Thursday, February 19, 2009

Good morning! The new blog is active. Post your questions as comments and I will work on the answers as quickly as I am able. The comments are moderated and inappropriate language will not be printed. There is a selfish reason for this. After serving four years in the Marines, I found that one of my struggles in this life is to get profane language out of my head. Substitute words help, but the less exposure to such foulness, the better for me.

By way of introduction, my name is Denzil Buckle and I go by Bucky. At the encouragement of my brothers and sisters in Christ, I have started this blog to answer questions about Jesus, the Bible, and Christian life in general.

Why me? One possibility is that God has granted me first hand experience in trauma, military service, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), jobs from dishwasher to management including IT (geek) work, long term employment (19 years with one company) and finally, something that many of you face at this time, job termination. One advantage I have at this time is... well, lots of time.

As a result of having my position eliminated, to use their term, I decided with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to change career fields from information technology to writing. This is not an easy decision. With a bachelor's degree in IT and several certifications, I should have no trouble finding another IT job, even in this economy. However, when we feel called to something else, that call cannot be ignored.

One thing I have noticed already is that working from home as a self-employed (God-employed might be more accurate) writer is that one tends to get distracted and production turns easily to goofing off. I don't believe that God brought me out of the corporate world to spend my time in perpetual vacation; not that it doesn't sound like a lot of fun! Hit me with your questions and I will research the Bible, and the many works by Christian authors that I have in my library, in search of answers.

Yours in Christ Jesus,



  1. I would like to know how I can be assured of Salvation. I think this is a basic question that every new believer needs to be able to understand and answer.

  2. Why should we pray? If God knows the past, present, and future then why do we need to pray?

  3. God asks us to pray about everything even things that we already know what His Word says about them and we pray His Will in that situation; why do we need to pray about it? knowing the answer is already in His Word? But yet He asks us to pray about everything?
